Blakedown Church of England Primary School
2018-19 Summary & Impact of PE Spending
Aims of the use of P.E. & Sport Premium 2018-19.
In 2018-19, At Blakedown CE Primary School received a Sports Premium amounting to £17,540. It was decided to continue using some of the Sport Premium to maintain the 'Hagley Pyramid Sports Parentship' and ensure the smooth running of the events we choose to offer with our other pyramid primary schools at Clent, Belbroughton, Romsley St Kenelm's and Hagley.
The aims of this partnership are:
- Every child in Key Stage 1 & 2 will have the opportunity to compete with children from another school;
- Every opportunity will be made for staff CPD alongside coaches employed or specialist teachers used;
- Teams will be entered into Tag Rugby, Cricket, Cross-Country, Netball, Football, Bell-Boating, Regatta & Rounders;
- The opportunity will be given for a proportion of children to experience a sport that they would not normally participate in.
Other aims:
- Identify staff strengths and areas for further development, planning out targeted CPD that can be delivered, in-house or with specific local providers.
- Ensure all staff are familiar with and are using effectively the PE Scheme purchased and adapted in 2017-18.
- Review effectiveness of current sports clubs and the rate of inclusion, introduce further opportunities to engage the reticent pupils and enable gifted and talented have a route to further develop and establish their sports skills.
- Create an inter-house programme which will enable termly events and increase opportunities for competitive sport.
- Increase the number of Schools Sports Pyramid events and participation.
- Train Year 5/6 to be play leaders and take an active part in designing and running activities.
Focus of P.E. Premium Spending 2018-19
- To continue the enhancement of the quality of P.E. through on-going CPD opportunities provided for staff through the employment of a P.E. specialist and via planned CPD opportunities sources via the school's PE specialist.
- To continue to support the costs of a specialist P.E. teacher who will co-ordinate the yearly programme of events across the pyramid.
- Continue to provide and improve the range of after-school sporting opportunities.
- To support travel charges to enable pupils to compete at other venues.
- To purchase inclusion in the Wyre Forest Sports Partnership - ongoing training and sporting events.
- To purchase resources to enhance further sporting activities during the school day.
- Continue to update and replace P.E. equipment when needed.