Blakedown Church of England Primary School
General Data Protection Regulation
You may already be aware of changes to the law concerning data protection in the country with the replacement of the Data Protection Act 1988 with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
As a school, we take the protection of all personal data very seriously and are currently reviewing our practices and policies to ensure that we comply with the GDPR. We are not changing how we use or collect your information, but more importantly ensure all personal information is collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully.
We have updated our privacy notices to clearly explain how, why, where and when we store and process your data and also to reflect your rights under the GDPR. This is all part of our continued commitment to compliance and protecting your personal information.
A copy of our updated privacy notice is attached below for reference.
The school uses Warwickshire County Council's DPO service, contactable on schooldpo@warwickshire.gov.uk