Blakedown Church of England Primary School
2017-18 Summary & Impact of PE Spending
Aims of the use of P.E. & Sport Premium 2017-18.
In 2017-18, the Sports Premium essentially doubled from previous years, allowing each school a lump sum of £16,000 plus a premium of £10 per pupil. This increase meant that across 2017-18, Blakedown CE Primary School received £17,430. At Blakedown CE Primary School we decided to continue to use some of the Sport Premium to maintain the 'Hagley Pyramid Sports Parentship' and ensure the smooth running of the events we chose to offer with our other pyramid primary schools at Clent, Belbroughton, Romsley St Kenelm's and Hagley.
The aims of this partnership are:
- Every child in Key Stage 1 & 2 will have the opportunity to compete with children from another school;
- Every opportunity will be made for staff CPD alongside coaches employed or specialist teachers used;
- Teams will be entered into Tag Rugby, Cricket, Cross-Country, Netball, Football, Bell-Boating, Regatta & Rounders;
- The opportunity will be given for a proportion of children to experience a sport that they would not normally participate in.
Other aims:
- The partnership to employ a specialist P.E. teacher to work with all the P.E. leaders from each of the schools to devise a yearly programme of events; source venues and organise the upcoming events. The funding will cover the cost of this teacher; the cover for time for the P.E. leaders to meet; cost of venues and coaches to each of the events.
- To continue to enhance the skills of the teachers in teaching P.E. by employing a specialist P.E. teacher - Mr Jon Newbold, for one and a half days a week, spread over three days. Mr Newbold will also be employed by Kenelm's CE Primary School and Clent Parochial Primary School on other days of the week, thus supporting three schools in the pyramid with sporting activities and outcomes. Mr Newbold will become the school's P.E. leader and will build upon the established programme to support staff professional development. Mr Newbold will also provide one after school club himself which will be included within the remit of Sport Premium and will enable the development of school teams in sports such as football and netball, which is something the school has not been able to facilitate before now.
- To support costs towards the transporting to and from sporting events.
- To buy into the Wyre Forest Sports Partnership, which will enable pupils in KS2 to play a range of competitive games with children from a greater variety of schools than just the pyramid.
Focus of P.E. Premium Spending 2017-18
- To continue the enhancement of the quality of P.E. through on-going CPD opportunities provided for staff through the employment of a P.E. specialist.
- To continue to support the costs of a specialist P.E. teacher across the pyramid who will co-ordinate the yearly programme of events across the pyramid.
- Continue to provide pupils with a range of after-school sporting opportunities.
- To support charges to enable pupils to compete at other venues.
- To purchase inclusion in the Wyre Forest Sports Partnership - ongoing training and sporting events.
- To purchase resources to enhance further sporting activities during the school day.
- Continue to update and replace P.E. equipment when needed.
- Due to the additional premium this year, further consideration to how this will be spent is required and decisions about this will appear here before the end of the term.