Blakedown Church of England Primary School
2015-16 Summary & Impact of PE Spending
Aims of the use of P.E. Funding 2015-16.
In 2015-16, the Sports Fund money was used in a number of ways to achieve our aims. The first was to partner with our other pyramid primary schools at Clent, Belbroughton, Romsley St Kenelm's and Hagley to form the 'Hagley Pyramid Sports Partnership'.
The aims of this partnership are:
- Every child in Key Stage 1 & 2 will have the opportunity to compete with children from another school;
- Every opportunity will be made for staff CPD alongside coaches employed or specialist teachers used;
- Teams will be entered into Tag Rugby, Cricket, Cross-Country, Netball, Football, Bell-Boating, Regatta & Rounders;
- The opportunity will be given for a proportion of children to experience a sport that they would not normally participate in.
The partnership has employed a teacher to work with all the P.E. leaders from each of the schools to devise a yearly programme of events; source venues and organise the upcoming events. The funding covers the cost of this teacher; the cover for time for the P.E. leaders to meet; cost of venues and coaches to each of the events.
At Blakedown CE Primary School, we have also chosen to enhance the skills of the teachers in teaching P.E. and have employed a specialist P.E. teacher - Miss Cat Yenson, for one day a week for the year through a local sports company - A Sporting Chance. The school's P.E. leader has devised a programme to support staff professional development using the skills of our specialist. Miss Yenson also provides an after school club, which changes each half term and has also worked with Key Stage 2 children to support them in becoming sports leaders during break times.
Focus of P.E. Grant Spending 2015-16
- To continue the enhancement of the quality of P.E. through on-going CPD opportunities provided for staff through the purchase of the P.E. specialist.
- To continue the role of pyramid co-ordinator to organise a yearly programme of events across the pyramid.
- Continue to provide pupils with a range of after-school sporting opportunities.
- To support charges to enable pupils to compete at other venues.
- Continue to update and replace P.E. equipment when needed.
Summary and Impact of PE Fund Spending - 2015-16
- After school sports clubs ran at full capacity each half term and gave all year groups opportunities to revisit sports such as: netball, athletics, gymnastics & dance, cricket & rounders.
- The Pyramid Active Schools activities added to the experiences that children had via their weekly PE sessions, with children being involved in tag rugby tournaments, multi-skills events, a cross country tournament, orienteering, bush craft, shelter building, archery and skiing.
- There has been an increased opportunity for the children to experience competitive sport through the inter-school sports events, although a change in organisational personnel has made this more difficult towards the end of the year.
- Staff feedback regarding the on-going P.E. CPD as they work alongside our sports specialist has been positive and pupils now receive two high quality P.E. sessions a week.
- P.E. equipment has been added to this year ensuring all pupils have access to relevant equipment.